General Information & Operational Scale

ACES is an international organization featuring members, partners, and operations from over 30 countries. From international competitions, virtual events, to regional and national communities, ACES involves a variety of students, partners, and educators from differing cultures and backgrounds around the world. In addition to the aforementioned aspects, ACES distributes live events, which feature limited attendance, to a wider and more open audience for asynchronous reference. This included event resources, recordings, and clips to be distributed to members directly part of ACES or within our partner organizations.

Our mission statement can be described as follows::

“ACES (Advanced Curriculums for educational studies) is an international educational organization focused on inspiring generations of students in Business, STEM, and higher education.”

List of Countries & Regions

  • North & South America: United States, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Jamaica, Brazil, Argentina

  • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Bulgaria

  • Australia

  • East Asia: China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong

  • South Asia : India, Philippines, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan

  • Southeast Asia: Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia

  • Middle Eastern: Iran, United Arab Emirates

  • Africa: South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi

Organizational Hierarchy

Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, we operate under a traditional management framework that is tailored to the organization's scope of activities. The structure and availability of these positions are subject to change at the behest of organizational management in order to ensure compliance with organizational missions and the highest quality service possible for our students and partners. Relevant announcements concerning these positions may be announced by the official organization on our website.

Executive Directors - At the helm of ACES, the executive directors oversee the overall direction of the organization. Currently, there are two relevant executive directors.

International Committee - Tasked with overseeing ACES' global initiatives and expansion efforts, the International Committee manages international activities, services, marketing endeavors, and other ventures.

National Committee - Responsible for approving and launching organizational activities within specific countries and regions, the National Committee operates primarily in countries where ACES has a significant presence, such as Canada, the US, Taiwan, and others.

Regional Branches - Serving as the frontline operatives, regional branches are tasked with facilitating local events, providing support resources, and connecting regional students with national and international opportunities under the guidance of their respective committees. These branches often encompass various schools and clubs housing smaller ACES Chapters. Notably, chapters have been recently integrated into ACES' organizational structure as of 2023.

Each of these hierarchal levels consult with one another in order to connect to our students effectively, efficiently, and help them achieve their unique goals with ACES services.

Historical Ventures

ACES was originally a prominent course developer in the fields of business and programming. The last few years has seen an organizational pivot in order to better tailor to the needs of our students. While ACES has historically hosted opportunities, contests, and events, the organization began building a main focus on these aspects rather than course development since 2021.

In 2022, ACES initiated the publication of virtual events to be made free and accessible, showcasing guest speakers from its network of partner institutions, spanning universities, educational enterprises, and other academic entities. These events are recorded for wider dissemination among ACES members and offer a live audience experience, albeit with limited seating capacity.

In December 2023, ACES unveiled an international community group across multiple social media platforms, previously accessible only to specific qualifying members. Presently, this community is only accessible to a designated set of countries, notably comprising the United States, Mexico, Canada, and India. We plan on releasing this community even further as we better understand the audiences and regulations associated with new regions.

Alumni Community

ACES established an alumni community, referring to students who attended past ACES competitions, events, international communities, and other services. Alumni have been associated with top institutions around the world, from universities to corporate giants.

Upcoming Competitions

The International Corporate Consulting Competition (ICCC) offers a unique platform for students to engage in a challenging case study competition. Participants are tasked with presenting innovative corporate solutions aimed at addressing a diverse array of challenges encountered in the realms of business and entrepreneurship. Through this dynamic competition, students gain invaluable hands-on experience in problem-solving, strategic thinking, and teamwork, while also honing their presentation skills in a competitive setting.

The International Scientific Research Competition (ISRC) provides students with an exceptional opportunity to delve into the realms of scientific inquiry and exploration. Participants are encouraged to embark on their own scientific research endeavors, crafting original research papers that delve deep into the realms of Chemistry and Biology. This competition serves as a platform for students to showcase their intellectual curiosity, analytical prowess, and scientific acumen, while also fostering a spirit of innovation and discovery within the academic community.

Competition winners may be offered a variety of different prizes dependent on the year and event. This may include a cash prize, scholarship, internship opportunity, verifiable international awards, organizational privileges, and more.
