Join our world-class, Wall Street finance expert & investment banker in an unforgettable lecture on finance & investing. Get a headstart on preparing for university, building wealth, and heading into the business world.
Features guest speakers who taught finance at top universities like Wharton, Princeton, UCLA, and Queen’s and worked for years in the finance industry on $100 million IPOs, transactions, and acquisitions. Associated with top companies such as BMO, and Imperial Capital.
Our events are completely FREE, and we solely aim to further your education and throw opportunities your way. Register via the form below and you’ll hear back from us and be eligible to join our event.
This event is affiliated with Prequel. The event will be focused on business, finance, and investing where the mentioned universities and organizations would be discussed. Our guest speakers have experience with and have been affiliated with other mentioned universities and organizations (e.g. BMO). However, those organizations and institutions themselves other than Prequel are not responsible for hosting, sponsoring, or organizing this event.